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Industry dynamic

The global leather industry needs to recognize the changes of the times

Editor:嘉兴维艾雅进出口有限公司 │ Release Time:2019-03-18 

In the report, Pipeline's latest leather market research bluntly reminded the leather industry that it must recognize the latest changes in the relationship between raw material supply, tanning and finished leather demand. This change is no longer ours. Familiar changes in the slaughter and leather industry cycle.

In the report, the authors show that in the past, the trade cycle was affected by the economic cycle. If the price rose, the demand would decrease. If the price was competitive, the demand would increase. The economy is improving, demand is increasing, the economy is declining, and demand is falling. This is in line with the theory of supply and demand, which is the normal and natural market law.

However, the report also pointed out that the current changes in the leather industry are increasingly deviating from this market law. According to the report, in the past, the reduction in the use and consumption of leather, such as leather and luggage, is easy to expand from the consumer demand in emerging markets and the automotive leather market. The increase in consumption is compensated, but this scenario has reached its climax in 2015. We must accept this change, and brands and manufacturers responding to growing demand have led chemical and consumer goods manufacturers to consider alternative materials. All of these changes are supported by automated production, shortened product cycles, retail structure changes, and a global consumer market.

But the report concluded at the end that the leather material will never disappear, but its demand is not likely to exceed its supply of raw materials.